Sunday 25 January 2009


Yeh so I went Exmouth this morning. It was ok, bloody freezing though. Helped my little sis out with her project and I also got some decent footage of the ocean. I think I got what I need though I can't be sure because I haven't yet decided on what exactly I'm doing.

Saturday 24 January 2009


Had a propper ruff night last night, but it was alright I guess. It's weird how you always want to do work when your ill or something. I reckon I'l try and do a little anyway. My sis is going down to exmouth tomorro for a photography project so I think I might join her and get a bit of footage of the sea and stuff. I haven't yet planned my film, but it's going to be getting at large concepts and whats much bugger than the sea?

Thursday 22 January 2009


This is another David Lynch flim called Alphabet. I thought I'd check out some more of his stuff and came accross this on youtube. I like the kind of doodle animation, might try it out, also some of its is very creepy and weird.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

progress? a bit...

i think im going to do a montage for my next project.
its just been going round in my head, loads of little ideas that i cant put my finger on. iv started trying to put ideas on paper now and so soon they should unravel into creative masterpieces :D
im also thinking about maybe timing each clip to 'enhance' the atmosphere. e.g start with slow, long clips and gradually speed them up to shorter, fast paced clips. to build tension.
still dont know what im doing tho =/

Eraserhead Inspiration

Here's some images from a montage in Eraserhead. Its seriously weird! Almost made me want to puke a bit and at the same time it's kind of funny! Check out the short clip on YouTube -
The idea that film can make you feel as weird as this does makes me want to give it a try. Something very weird!

media practice 2 initial ideas

At the moment I’m thinking about maybe looking at the differences between introspective people and superficial people, maybe subjective and objective states of mind and also infinity, nothing and eternity in relation to the universe and time itself. I think I could have some fun experimenting with extremes and surrealism in film, and also try to portray some philosophical perspectives.

I’ve decided to get straight on with the ideas process. In class we went through some forms of production. I think I’m going to make a polemic film in the style of David Lynch. I like the surrealist style of David Lynch; I especially like the montage in Eraserhead with the chicken coming alive and the woman having a strange fit-like reaction. I like the eeriness and awkwardness that it portrays.
I’m not sure what polemic subject to focus on at the moment; I haven’t yet given it much thought.