Wednesday 21 January 2009

media practice 2 initial ideas

At the moment I’m thinking about maybe looking at the differences between introspective people and superficial people, maybe subjective and objective states of mind and also infinity, nothing and eternity in relation to the universe and time itself. I think I could have some fun experimenting with extremes and surrealism in film, and also try to portray some philosophical perspectives.

I’ve decided to get straight on with the ideas process. In class we went through some forms of production. I think I’m going to make a polemic film in the style of David Lynch. I like the surrealist style of David Lynch; I especially like the montage in Eraserhead with the chicken coming alive and the woman having a strange fit-like reaction. I like the eeriness and awkwardness that it portrays.
I’m not sure what polemic subject to focus on at the moment; I haven’t yet given it much thought.

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