Monday 30 March 2009

DAMN!!! CDV 102

I went in to edit today to do some finishing touches and found that all of my work was offline, meaning i forgot to render it all the last time i edited :'(. Yes, VERY depressing. I don't have nearly enough time to re-edit this film before the deadline so i will have to submit it in the summer. Really F***ing annoying!
I can tell you now, 'Always render your project' will be going in my evaluation!! *cry* lol.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

This Week... CDV 102

This week i made my prop. It was great fun, got the girlfriend round to help out. It turned out well, maybe a little too big but I'll see what i can do. It is also very cartoony :D.

That same day we did some shooting. This involved us going around my back garden looking for different types of surfaces. We got some fairly good ones. It's surprising what you can find in a back garden...

I have to write the rest of my scipt between now and friday. I'm struggling to find the time, but I'v booked out a digital sound recorder and the edit sweet for friday so i don't have a choice now. I'm sure I'l manage... I always do :/.

Stress!! CDV 102

This week i have done a lot of work. The folder work is going absolutely fine but the filming and the editing is getting me stressed out. Especially the editing.
Today i had the morning to edit, it was all going fine. Then as soon as i do the first lot of colour keying it decided that blue is the same colour as grey (you may be thinking 'maybe it was the same shade blah blah blah') it wasn't the same shade at all. They were completely different colours i swear!
So if that wasn't enough, the same thing happened with two other shots although they were arguably the same shade. I worked around it though and after a mind numbing two hours i got the shots to look fairly decent.

Sunday 15 March 2009

Right! CDV 102

I have tested the idea I explained in my last blog (colour keying etc) and it worked with flying colours. I was very suprized that it worked as well as it did.
I decided to experement some more with locations and materials i could use for the set by taking photos of them and then editing them on Adobe Photoshop to see if they give the right effect.
I am going to try using rocks, grass, stones, fabrick and anything else i can think of to try to give the effect and image of deserts, mountains and anything else that they might be able to resemble.

Thursday 12 March 2009

im back - CDV 102

Sorry for the long absence, I've been quite busy with doing other things... obviously.
Anyways, I'm here now and ready to chat about my next two films :D. A lot has happened since last time and a lot of thoughts have developed and I'm pretty sure i know what I'm doing now (sorry for the excessive use of the work 'and').

The other day i was coming up with an idea for my short one minute film and i came up with the idea to do a sci-fi. It's about a man who is a war veteran and hero and he tell us his story of how he got out of a deserted waste land on a distant planet.
This was quite a random idea. i came up with it by writing all the themes of my initial idea for my four minute film and then expanding on them. I used the theme of 'space and the universe' for this idea.

After coming up with this idea, i then decided to switch the films arround, making the sci-fi the 4 minute long film and the abstract film the 1 minute film. I recon it'l work better like this, plus i get to write a monologue without having to find someone who can act properly. i usually try to avoid dialogue because i dont want to waste a script on bad actors (not to sound snobbish).

Just in case I didnt mention before, my initial 4 min' film (now my 1-2 min film) is going to be an abstract polemic film which will try to show opposites to be unrelevent in time and space (kind of thing).