Thursday 12 March 2009

im back - CDV 102

Sorry for the long absence, I've been quite busy with doing other things... obviously.
Anyways, I'm here now and ready to chat about my next two films :D. A lot has happened since last time and a lot of thoughts have developed and I'm pretty sure i know what I'm doing now (sorry for the excessive use of the work 'and').

The other day i was coming up with an idea for my short one minute film and i came up with the idea to do a sci-fi. It's about a man who is a war veteran and hero and he tell us his story of how he got out of a deserted waste land on a distant planet.
This was quite a random idea. i came up with it by writing all the themes of my initial idea for my four minute film and then expanding on them. I used the theme of 'space and the universe' for this idea.

After coming up with this idea, i then decided to switch the films arround, making the sci-fi the 4 minute long film and the abstract film the 1 minute film. I recon it'l work better like this, plus i get to write a monologue without having to find someone who can act properly. i usually try to avoid dialogue because i dont want to waste a script on bad actors (not to sound snobbish).

Just in case I didnt mention before, my initial 4 min' film (now my 1-2 min film) is going to be an abstract polemic film which will try to show opposites to be unrelevent in time and space (kind of thing).

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