Friday 1 May 2009

The Beginning/ a little after the beginning - CDV 103

Hello, I'm back to update you with my project so far. Here's how it went:
I began my ideas by firstly listing all the themes that were present in my previous films. I decided on using the theme of 'life and death' because it gave me a lot of leeway with narratives. Once this was done, i drew a spider diagram. This helped me get some basic ideas down. Once i latched onto one of the emerging ideas, i bullet pointed a plot and developed the idea. Now that the ball was rolling i got right on with the storyline and after this a began the storyboards.
Some of the shots designed in the storyboard required the HDV camera from college. I really wanted to shoot early to avoid and to prepare for any difficulties so i needed to get the script completed so as to develope a shooting schedule so i knew when to book the camera out from college.

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