Friday 29 May 2009

Nearing the end CDV 103

I am now nearing the end of my project. I have now film my whole film and edited most of it. In my opinion, I directed the film terribly. A lot of it was rushed and so mistakes were made. I'd like to say this was made up for in post production but this may not be the case as the sound production is a bit 'iffy' (if you know what i mean). I have yet to add music to my film so there is still a chance for salvation.
For my written work I have devised a to-do-list which should ensure that I get all of the documentation done in time. In fact, after I finish this blog entry I will be able to tick it off of today's list :D.
I have four and a half hours left of editing so I hope I can complete a half decent film and get a pass in that time. I have a feeling I will have to record all of my music on Monday night and add it to my film on the Tuesday because I will need to book out the Digital Audio Recorder again.

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