Monday 18 May 2009

The current situation - CDV 103

OK, i am near to panicking but i think i will be able to complete this module. I completed a lot of filming at the weekend and yesterday i managed to creatively solve a problem with some character design and a big multi-media risk (you'll see). I have decided (due to the short amount of time we have left to complete the projects and the fact that nearly everyone i know is either busy completing their own projects or revising for exams) to use cartoons in the dream scenes of my film rather than use actors. I am fully aware that this may look shit, but with a bit of sound mixing and atmosphere i could pull it of.
There are literally two scenarios in my head... one is that it turns out really good and atmospheric and the second is that it looks like some crappy drawing with some bloke talking over the top...
I'm really hoping for the first one =D.

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